- Pastors, Ministers, Deacons, Elders


1.     Purpose,

We believe in the five fold ministerial gifts and other spiritual offices

 (Eph. 2:11, Acts. 6: 11; 1 Timo. 3: 8-15)

Members shall be trained and ordained as the proof and evidence of such gifts becomes evident.

The purpose is for the equipping of believers, soul wining, supporting and building the Church of God.




(a)          They shall meet the scriptural standard as Set up in Acts 6:1-6, 1Tim. 3:8-15; Phil. 1:1.

(b)          Testimony as to having experienced the new birth – John 3:5.

(c)          Testimony of being full of the Holy Spirit -Acts 6:3; Acts 2:4; Gal. 5:22-23.

(d)          Testimony of real understanding of the doctrines of Christ Ambassadors Ministries International and the Vision. -1 Tim. 3:9.

(e)          Testimony of being full of wisdom - Acts 6:3.

(f)           Testimony of blameless life and a good report of those who are without-Titus 1:7; 1 Tim. 3:7.

(g)          Testimony of seriousness of his Christian commitment to Christ and the church, one who has time to serve the flock.

(h)          Testimony of maturity and experience - not less than three years in the church.

(i)           Testimony of participating fully in all service of the church.

(j)           Testimonies of good home, one wife and sober disciplined children.

(k)          Testimony of faithfulness in his money matters. A faithful tithe payer, hospitable and kind.

(1)          Under no circumstance should they be chosen due to money, age, education and political influence, neither should any be rejected because of such.

(m)        Testimony of submission to authority - Rom. 13:1-7.



Church discipline is the process by which accusation against a member can be reviewed, and it is established that the accused is at fault, a process by which means can be found to correct the fault and restore the offender to fellowship. Matt. 18:15-17, Gal. 6:1, 2 Tim. 2:35-36, 2 Thess. 3:6-15, 1 Cor. 5:2-13


 (a) This committee shall be composed of the church board. If a case requires one or two other church members (men or women) may be appointed by the church board to consider this case.

(b) The purpose of the Committee on Discipline:

• To ascertain if there is a fault, as suggested by the accusation.

• If there is a fault, to suggest a way the offending one may correct the fault and be restored to fellowship - Gal. 6:1.

• By the action of the Committee on Discipline, to warn others from falling into the same error, and to preserve the good testimony of the church before the public -1 Tim. 5:20.

(c) Procedure: The accused shall be expected to appear before the Committee, at which time the Committee shall strive impartially to discover the truth.