Christ Ambassadors Ministries International

Men´s Fellowship


"Therefore I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands, without wrath or dissension." - 1 Timothy 2:8



Christ Ambassadors Ministries International Men´s Fellowship fosters the unity among the men and the Church keeping the bond of unity in Christ. The fellowship has the motive of developing new relationships with men and women in the workplace, and the community with the aim of winning them for Christ.  A genuine relationship with Christ and one another is the most desire of the Fellowship.

The Purpose is to supporting the Vision of the CAMI Church with great Passion and honesty.



The men in the fellowship are accountable to one another and to the Church.

The reality is that has different challenges and temptations that are attached to their gender; they need a place where they can be open to themselves without felling ashamed. It is easier for men to open up among themselves. In the fellowship they receive the encouragement that they need to go ahead. Together we are stronger. Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, "And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart." Many of the developing relationships among our men go beyond the surface into real life issues and struggles. Practical helps are given and received.


Spiritual Growth

1 Cor. 16:13  Watch! Stand fast in the faith! Be men! Be strong”

1Titus 2:8 “Therefore, I desire that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting”.

Helping the men in Church grow to becoming whom God has ordained them to be and having the victory that Christ has given them while living an exemplary life by the Holy Spirit is the task of the leadership in the fellowship.

Leadership is elected for 2years to serve in the fellowship and in the Church.

Every man is at a different place in his spiritual walk with God. A 30 year old man might be more studied grounded in the Word of God than a 45 year old man who recently trusted in Jesus Christ as Savior. Therefore, we are intentional about offering help in partnering men together for the purpose of spiritual growth.


Monthly Fellowship Meeting

Titus 2:2 “aged men to be temperate, sensible, discreet, sound in faith, in love, in patience”.

Titus 2:6 “Likewise exhort the young men to be discreet”

On the second Sunday of every month we have a men's fellowship meeting after the Church service where we gather together for the purpose of growing in godliness. A typical time of fellowship includes sharing together, spending some time in prayer for one another, and spending some time in God's Word. 

The practical benefits from the fellowship are based also on the practical support of the members.